...or at least TRYING to!

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." ~Psalm 118:24

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pop Pop Popcorn

So one great thing that came from my time when I was off of dairy while nursing J, was my renewed love of stove top popcorn.  It's FANTASTIC!!!  I used to make popcorn on the stove top all the time, but have in recent years fallen into the microwave trap.  Don't get me wrong, I love my microwave...and microwave popcorn is good too...but it's got nothing on stove top.  It's really rather easy.  See for yourself....

Start with a large pan/pot that has a good fitting lid.  Add some olive oil to the bottom of your pan.  By "some," I mean just that...enough to put a good coat on your pan and give your corn a reason to pop! :0)  Heat your pan and oil on a Med/High setting.  For my stove it's "5."  You may have to experiment to see what works best.  When things start to heat up a little add 1/2 C. of popcorn.  It's really cheap and you can find it in big bags at Wal-Mart or any grocery store.  Important...put the lid on the pan!!!
No you're ready to get popping!  When the kernels start popping you need to stay close by.  You want to shake your pan around every once in a while to make sure nothing burns...burnt popcorn...yuk!
So, pick up that pan...carefully!! and give it a good shakin'.  I use the side to side method, but whatever works for you.  See we're starting to pop in there!

Listen to the popping and when you hear it slowing down, pay attention.  Keep shaking and wait for the popping to die down.  Turn off your heat, but don't take the lid off yet!!  You'll still get a few more pops if you leave it on....OK, now you can take it off.

Ummmmm...doesn't that smell wonderful?!?...OK, so you can't smell it, but trust me, it does!  Sprinkle on some salt to taste, and there you have it.  A delicious afternoon snack, or movie night treat!  Today it's an afternoon snack and it's being accompanied by an ice cold Cherry Pepsi...this mamma's tired!! :0)


  1. Sesame oil works amazingly well and gives the popcorn a better flavor or at least I think so :) Jen Zandt xxx

  2. mmm...I'll have to give it a try! Thanks for the tip!! :0)
