...or at least TRYING to!

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." ~Psalm 118:24

Friday, August 20, 2010


So I was convicted today. No, I'm not a felon! But a crime, I have committed. (Do I hear Master Yoda in here?...My DH might be the only one who gets that, sorry.) I must make a confession. I've been paralyzed by perfectionism. My friend Jennifer decided to start a blog today, and she did. Just like that...decided to do it and did it, all in the same day. And then she posted on Facebook that she'd done it! I decided a month ago to start a blog, and I did...sort of. But then I had to mess with the look of it, and get that right (it's still not). It hasn't been "just right" in my mind, so here it sits. I didn't have just the right pictures to go with my posts, so I waited to post. Only I didn't post. My computer died on me so I was waiting to get it fixed. I could have posted on DH's computer, but I didn't. Why didn't I? Perfectionism! It's a horrible, nasty, disease. I'm trying to get rid of it, but sometimes I don't even realize it's controlling me. I have this quote above my desk and it stares at me every time I sit here, "DON'T be paralized by perfectionism!!!" Yes, I know paralyzed is spelled wrong. On my quote the "i" is written through and changed to a "y." It drives me CRAZY...every.single.time. I look at it! But I leave it like that to serve as a reminder not to let my perfectionism take control. WOOPS! No, more! This blog is going to be out there. Perfect or not...and it's not...bare with me. Baby steps. :0)


  1. I feel the SAME way about my blog! Do you know how many post drafts I have in my file and the only reason they're not published is b/c I have no photos to go with them yet? LOL.....we have issues friend!

  2. Oh, and I keep changing my background and layout too! lol

  3. lol..yes, we do have issues...but at least we're doing SOMETHING now. Thanks for jumping in and starting yours when you did. I've been THINKING about doing it for the last YEAR!!! :0)
